Do Research
The BEHS Library offers students a number of databases so students can find useful books, journal and magazine articles, encyclopedias, newspapers, videos, and images. Pick one of the databases below or scroll down to to look for sources based on the type of information you need. Log into the LIBRARY CATALOG using your BE student ID to get passwords for home use.
Fast Facts and Topic Overviews
WORLD NEWS DIGEST ➡ statistics, news, and World Almanac facts
USA FACTS ➡ public website with U.S. government data
VISUAL CAPITALIST ➡ public website with infographic statistics
BE LIBRARY PRINT BOOKS ➡ perfect for topic background information
News and Current Events, Opposing Viewpoints, Statistics
SOCIAL ISSUES ➡ curated links to good current issues websites
DISCUS CURRENT ISSUES DATABASES ➡ magazine, newspaper, and journal articles
ACCESS WORLD NEWS ➡ Newspapers and other news sources from South Carolina, the U.S. and around the world.
WORLD NEWS DIGEST ➡ current events and statistics
BE LIBRARY BOOKS ➡ perfect for social issues
Research on Literature and Authors
JSTOR ➡ scholarly journal articles
DISCUS LITERATURE DATABASES ➡ includes GVRL Novels for Students, and more
SALEM PRESS ➡ literary criticism and author information
BE LIBRARY PRINT & DIGITAL BOOKS ➡ critical analysis, biography, and more
KHAN ACADEMY ➡ math test prep, AP prep, and more
MATHTV ➡ free math videos
MATHIGON ➡ flashcards, games, and interactive tools
WOLFRAM MATHWORLD ➡ Advanced math help
Science and Technology
SCIENCE ➡ curated links to good science websites
COMPUTER & TECH ➡ curated links to useful techy sites
BE LIBRARY PRINT BOOKS ➡ perfect for explanations and overviews
History, Social Studies, Psychology
WORLD NEWS DIGEST ➡ country data, history timelines, and statistics
OXFORD REFERENCE ➡ background information and history
SOCIAL STUDIES ➡ curated links to history, psychology, and economics websites
BE LIBRARY BOOKS ➡ fast, easy-to-use print books and ebooks
World Languages
TYPE IT ➡ type diacritics, accent marks and world language letters
WORD REFERENCE ➡ language dictionaries
EURO NEWS ➡ world news in the language of your choice
THE SPANISH EXPERIMENT ➡ short easy stories and lessons in Spanish
THE FRENCH EXPERIMENT ➡ short easy stories and lessons in French
BOOKS OF THE BIBLE ➡ text and explanations
OXFORD REFERENCE ➡ history of religion, saints, world religions, and more
SAINTS AND ANGELS ➡ short biographies of saints
Fine Arts
DISCOVER ARTWORKS ➡ every artwork in a public collection in England
STAGE AGENT ➡ musicals, plays, and theater news
TEORIA ➡ music theory
MUSOPEN ➡ free music, sheet music, and textbooks
Research Help
HOW TO USE A DATABASE ➡ a short tutorial on databases
FACT-CHECKING SITES ➡ curated list of fact-checking sites and tips
GOOGLE BETTER ➡ tips and Google alternatives for scholarly research
PATHFINDERS ➡ find class pathfinders here
Citation, Bibliography, and MLA Help
MLA CITATION TOOLS ➡ Click on the Writing & MLA Citation Help tab
PURDUE OWL ➡ MLA style guide and a citation generator